If you meet a Robyn don't ever think of doing something wrong as they can beat you up as we are strong and intelligent
Robyn is amazing
by robonatorrobo February 8, 2018
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A ROBYN HATER is a stalking, obsessed, angry, no life loser, that has way too much time on their hands. They are worse than paparazzi since they don't know a Robyn personally they create imaginary scenarios and stories to fulfill their deep Jealousy and hatred. A Robyn Hater often spends most of their time thinking about a Robyn to the point they obsess daily and if you look at their life there is not much going on. They are usually broke, into drugs and have no supports. The fact that a Robyn would never invite them into their home or take them out, upsets them, so they think of all the nasty things they have done in life and pretend that a Robyn is that way too. Pitty A Robyn Hater. They are a sad case.
" A Robyn Hater is a sad case "
by wife2007 October 25, 2016
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Robyn's are special because they have a distinctive character also they can be a bit kinky. It's easy to say she's a boy-magnet.
Robyn is very hot today
by defos July 4, 2018
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Robyn is the best girl you will ever meet. She will always been there for u when u needed it. she will never leave your side once. She’s always there for u. even when no one else will be . when ur together ur stomach always ends up hurting from laughing too much. when u need her help she will always be there for u. she sometimes might not see how beautiful she is so you have to remind her a bit. once you get to know her you wish she could see herself the way you see her. she is the most intelligent, creative, charismatic, LEAST boring girl you will ever meet. you will go on adventures together and remember those days for years afterwards. you are the luckiest person alive if you get to know a Robyn
“Oh my god look theres Robyn and her best friend, i wish i had a friendship as iconic as theirs”
by Cookies458732 May 5, 2020
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Robyn is a strong and sexy girl she’s a rebel and likes having fun. Robyn is probably a player and has had many boyfriends at the same time.She is also smart and witty and will not hesitate to rip your face of
Hay Robyn how u doinnnnnn?”
by uHoHsTiNkYpOoPy November 2, 2019
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A ROBYN HATER is a stalking, obsessed, angry, no life loser, that has way too much time on their hands. They are worse than paparazzi since they don't know a Robyn personally they create imaginary scenarios and stories to fulfill their deep Jealousy and hatred. A Robyn Hater often spends most of their time thinking about a Robyn to the point they obsess daily and if you look at their life there is not much going on. They are usually broke, into drugs and have no supports. The fact that a Robyn would never invite them into their home or take them out, upsets them, so they think of all the nasty things they have done in life and pretend that a Robyn is that way too. Pitty A Robyn Hater. They are a sad case.
" A Robyn Hater is a sad case "
by wife2007 October 25, 2016
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Is the ugliest boy you will ever see
Ew it’s Robyn
by Heyrando October 6, 2020
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