Riverdale, also know as "Triggadale" is one of the most hardcore ghetto neighborhoods in the Bronx area. Right on the border with Yonkers, Riverdale is known for constant gang-involved violence. Drugs, guns and prostitution is what Riverdale is famous for.
Triggadalian 1: Nigga look at dem whiteboys rite der les fuck em up nigga nobody walk on Liebig like dat.

Triggadalian 2: Fo sho nigga, dis shit is fo Riverdale!

Triggadalian 1: Dat'z Triggadale son!
by G Blaze August 1, 2009
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one of the three hill schools, the other two being fieldston and horace mann. riverdale is by far the best of all three schools. whereas at fieldston they get high, at riverdale the kids get drunk. academics are comprable to horace mann, and better than fieldston. riverdale kicks major ass.
i go to riverdale. i rock this world.
by bitchhh April 10, 2005
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Located in the Bronx mainly known as Trigger-Dale has made its way up as one of the most dangerous towns in the borough of New York City. Please beware of Trigger Dale as it is one of the most drug infested area in the Bronx.The Jews Rob you for their money at the Kosher Market. Prostitution is highly rising and forget about the crime. The 50th Precinct is too scared to deal with these highly dangerous criminals roaming the streets of Riverdale.
Yo Bro we out to Triggadale Tonight !?!? Yeahh Broo Totallyyy!!! Lets get hammered!!!! Riverdale is so fucking hood broo

We gets it in down ups in river-dale ya knaw i mean?

Hey Bro where can i get me some Heroin? DUDE go to skyview bro they have everything !!! Prostitution is included also ITS FREAKING AMAZINGG!!!
by iamjewalicious July 30, 2010
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from witnessing fh games i kno for a fact that the riverdale girls sound like men.... and they're not that good...that's all i have to say... and fieldston is really not that bad
the fh players at riverdale sound like men
by fhgurl06 January 25, 2006
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One of the most pussy neighborhoods in the entire city. A disgrace to the Bronx and the whole of New York.
Riverdale is like stench coming from a cow'pussy.
by werd... April 30, 2005
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Where th e biggest pothead lowlife kids live... also where the biggest fag anthony mateo lives fkk riverdale!!!
riverdale is a bunch of pussys
by fkk rd April 30, 2005
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