The combination of “Racist” and “Nazi”. Combines the two most common Basket of Deplorables denouncements used by SJW‘s for simply disagreeing with their radical beliefs...
“That SJW POS just got all up on my shit about being a Razi just because I didn’t support his demand to abolish capitalism”
by Archangel 221 September 14, 2020
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K-razy is a small gang of cool gangsters who go thrill seeking and breaking the law. They have had many girls chasing them about trying to hit them up in dms. They are all funny and good looking except from anyone called Michael whose forehead is like megamind. Breaking the rules is not a problem for them as they are fast, stealthy and normally have a few tough guys in their group(Josh and olly).
K-razy members are bare hot
by TheGentlemanMemeMan December 21, 2018
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