Every girl called Phoebe is funny and beautiful in every way. Think of Phoebe from Friends, she is absolutely crazy but that is why people called Phoebe are so popular.
Phoebe is so beautiful.
by FlamingoGirl February 12, 2018
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A dog that is a god. Phoebe can create anything in the world and destroy anything. She can kill Thanos in one bite. Phoebe’s are usually golden retrievers that’s best friend is Tyler.
Tyler: Hey Phoebe!
Phoebe: woof (I will destroy everybody you love if you don’t give me a sock
by Legitgodhimselflol April 2, 2019
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Whole lot of fine...Kinda goofy. Somewhat awkward. But most definitely sexy. Looks great in the summer sun. Tan skinned- a kind mocha caramel. Deep, dark, black wavy hair (looks real good after a warm hot shower). Soft touch. Sweet lips. Lost soul. All in all- one hell of a lady.
Yo I know this girl Phoebe. Girl's delicious
by Miguelito su papi April 5, 2010
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A smart, intellectual, fun, drop dead gorgeous tall blonde with great fashion sense. She is super hot and gets anyone she wants. Everyone wants to be like this unique, loving girl she is.
Jen: I'm soooo jealous of Phoebe! I want to be just like her!
Alex: Me too!!!
Sarah: Me threeeeee!!
by threegirlss February 1, 2009
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Beautiful and cute girl and could be hot and sexy too. She's a bad bitch with a big booty. She should get the boy she wants. She'll make your day with just her smile and honey eyes. If you get a phoebe never let go, keep her forever.
Phoebe is such a cutie !
by Olivia tarant December 21, 2016
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A tall blonde sex machine. She is irresistable. You can't take your eyes off of her. She is an amazing friend and she is amazing at everything. Some may say she could be a goddess.
I wish could hit that Phoebe!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish my name was Tom so I could.
by Tom McDonough February 2, 2008
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That girl who is always hanging out with the boys no matter what happens.
Rebecca:Hey phoebe .
Phoebe:uh hi Rebecca.
Phoebe:hello filio.
Filip:hi phoebe.
by Gokan April 8, 2019
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