Nobody asked. Somebody answered.

An abbreviation like lol or lmao
Billy:I laid mad pipe yesterday
Johnson: Nasa
by Procrafter December 21, 2020
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Neil Armstrong Space Adventure

Or, preferably Kyle's future kid, Neil Armstrong Litjens

Lauraa: Whats your kid called?
Kyle: African Tribal Hunter Litjens
Laura: No, the other one
Kyle: Neil Armstrong Litjens
Josh: Hokai
Nicola: Eh? I don't get it
by lauraa92 August 22, 2008
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To blank or refuse a high-five, either by accident or on purpose.

Refers to massive NASA high five fail
'Dude, you just totally NASAed me'
by theWrathofDan November 19, 2011
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A famous quote and meme from the Canadian children's tv series, "Nanalan'", which is about a two year old named Mona who basically plays outside in her Nana's backyard all day. This show uses, in my opinion, disturbing looking puppets that stare into your soul, I mean, Mona has no pupils, instead she just has completely black eyes. Not to mention she looks like she has no hair expect for the pigtails that seem to be growing out of her head. Anyways, since Mona is only two, she can't speak fluently yet, and so she talks in a way nobody can understand if you don't listen closely. The famous meme is from a scene in the episode titled "Backyard Fun". I'm not going to explain the scene because, #1, Im too lazy to describe it in detail, and #2, it's better to just go watch it and see what I mean.

Fun fact: One of the ways this meme gained popularity was by Markiplier reacting to the scene in one of his videos, as in the quiz he was taking during the video asked him, "Do you like the peepo?"
Nasa Peepo, supposivly intended to mean "nest of pea pods", but due to the way Mona pronounces it, it sounds instead like "nasa peepo".
by PumpkinSpiceLattez December 11, 2016
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Someone quite possibly smarter than any human alive.

This person can spend three days at an internship and discover a planet that NASA hasn’t even found yet

To put the cherry on top, this person found a planet exactly 6.9 times larger that earth
“Did you see that NASA intern find a planet in 3 days”
“ Yeah, and it’s 6.9 times larger than earth”
“Good job NASA!”
by Bucko January 13, 2020
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A very very very veeery powerful Personal Computer, decked with the best and fastest hardware imaginable.
Hank: Good god, look at those details man!
Kyle: Forget it Hank, you would need a NASA PC for that, you better stick to console gaming and Call of Duty.
by Slapslop March 15, 2017
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When you have explosive diarrhea that is so bad that it virtually or literally lifts you off the toilet seat (like a NASA rocket).
"Don't go in that stall, Leroy just had NASA - Ass in there!"
by JamBro November 11, 2005
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