A very successful and talented heavy rock band that originated in Devon. Consisting of Matthew Bellamy (vocals, guitar, piano), Dominic Howard (drums), and Christopher Wolstenholme (bass, backing vocals), they joined together in 1994 at the age of sixteen, calling themselves the Rocket Baby Dolls. Their plan was to form this band for one week to take the piss in a local Battle of the Bands contest, arriving with makeup, stupid hair, the whole thing. They came to lose, expected to lose, but they won because of the attitude, and realised that's what music was all about. They decided to stick together and change their name to Muse, releasing their first EP when they were about 17 and released their first album, Showbiz, in 2000 (average age 21). As of 2007, the group has five albums, including the live Hullabalooalbum.
Muse is an eclectic band, a mixture of new prog, heavy metal, and indie rock with a mixture of opera vocals (Matt Bellamy has a strong vibrato for a rock singer) and classical piano (such as the elegant piano solo in the middle of Butterflies and Hurricanes). They site Queen, Rage Against The Machine, and Jeff Buckely as their major influences.
Muse are infamous for trashing their equipment, heavy touring, lively shows, taking the piss when they aren't aloud to play live, and having crazy laughs. Definitely pwoper wock.
"I got tickets to the next Muse concert whoooooot!"
"EEENNVVVVYYYYY they're so goodI'mlosingallcoherenceahgdfhgkhdfg!"
by screenaging June 27, 2007
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Amazing band from England. They are all of the below, and more, so amazing that words cannot describe them. The sheer intensity and twisted beauty of their lyrics and songs make them unique. They are immensely talented, all three (Matthew Bellamy, Chris Wolstenholme and Dom Howard), and Knights of Cydonia is a LEGEND.
Muse are drama, beauty, twisted joy, and that funny feeling you get when you've had too much sugar, embodied. They are also very easy on the eyes.
by tabikatt January 14, 2007
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1. Chew over: reflect deeply on a subject

2. The source of an artist's inspiration
1. "I mused over the events of the afternoon"; "philosophers have mused upon the question of God for thousands of years"

2. "Love was his muse"
by Oliver Toll November 20, 2010
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U=United to
S=Save the world from
E=Extremely shit music
Just cause MUSE is the best fucking band in the world
by Xx-Cydonia-xX December 4, 2010
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A being of the heavens, often contributes something such as music, poetry, and art.

A person being described as this is often beautiful, better than most others, graceful yet somewhat powerful, a demi-god, someone people look up to, and full of emotions.
Ex - "That woman's so good at painting, she should be a muse."
by Hyleial-5ex7 December 11, 2006
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the rock trio from England. people never pronounced Muse with other bands in the same breath. its simply impossible.
muse rock!! muse rule!!! long live muse!!!
by muserforever May 22, 2010
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GREATEST BAND EVAAHHH! if you dont like them go burn in a hole. they are the greatest and they are freakin awesome live.
Jeff: omg did you go to the muse concert yesterday?
John: NOOOO! omg i wish i did they are the tits!
Jeff: yep so basically they are the best live band evah
John: i hate you.
by Zach Ernst April 1, 2008
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