karissa is a drop dead gorgeous person she's shy but very very outgoing she the hottest person youll ever meet in your life she smart, sexy,nice haired, elegant, purple loving,good wierd person, awesome, hyper, the most sexiest person, awesome in bed,bubbly and sexified
karissa is awesomeee and bubbly
by lalalalalalaleo May 25, 2011
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Karissa is a very nice and caring person. she will always love you and hope that whatever you do you do your best at it and that you always are safe and protected
Micky: omg thanks for reminding me about the hw we got Karissa

Me: you're welcome 😳
by krissandria May 16, 2019
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she is a normally a hoe and sleeps around karissa is not someone u wanna be friends with she is mostly fake .
someone: yk karissa

someone 2: oh yea she gave mono to all the boys in her grade
by jskfjs September 1, 2019
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A drop dead gorgeous girl. She is a blessing to those around her and should be treasured. Her presence alone should be valued greatly. If you see a Karissa Stanton you should treat them like a queen.

She is a fashion goddess, can draw well and is obsessed with anime. She is also into BTS and simps over a man named Jin. But despite this, I am very lucky to know a Karissa Stanton.

Her cute blonde bangs compliment her bold brown eyes and she is just g. o. r. g. e. o. u. s. Her smile alone can give anyone butterflies. She needs a man who is tall so if you are below 6’ keep scrolling you whore and eat some veg.

She loves herself, but not enough, so if you know a Karissa Stanton, make sure you spoil her with compliments and tell them how beautiful they are. They are kind and caring and will most likely return the gesture. We love Karissa Stanton.

Overall, a kpop and anime obsessed cutie!
Call me Karissa Stanton because I am a hottie
by KarissasNumber1Simp November 3, 2020
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