it pretty fucked up so why did u even bother looking it up! but it means fear of long words
he has Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
by jesse March 3, 2005
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the fear of long words which was made by an asshole just to be funny
what are you afraid of ?

long words.
you have Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.
by wafflewhale March 10, 2018
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It is actually the never ending fear of long words .
If you don't believe me look it up
Alice: So doc' is there anything wrong
Doc: I'm affraid you have hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
Doc: they should make an abreviation for this ...
by Rhinostril February 6, 2014
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Ironically, the fear of long words.

"sesquippedalio" relates to long words
"phobia" is an irrational fear
"hippopoto" and "monstro" (short for hippopotamus and monster) exaggerate the length of the word

synonym: sesquippedaliophobia means exactly the same thing

alt spellings: "pedalio" instead of "ppedalio"
guy: I have hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. *(guy starts hyperventilating)*
by whatserface December 11, 2008
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a phobia where people are afraid of long words!....
doctor:i think you have hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia sir, a fear of long words!

Patient: i have hippopotomonssss.....aaaah!!!*starts crying* i cant do this! please! why so long, aaah!! *runs out of the room.*

doctor: they should come up with a shorter name.......
by lalala#4 February 6, 2014
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Basically phobophobia (afraid of being afraid) but means fear of long words. Named by some random jerk who was prob a bully. More commonly known as sesquippedaliophobia.
Doctor: So, Bob, how are you doing?
Mom: Actually whenever I say a long word he screams and runs like crazy
Doctor: Mmmhmm,ok.
*some tests later*
Doctor: Bob, I am afraid to tell you that you have hippopotomonstro-
Bob: Please no *covers ears*
Doctor: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
Bob: *screams and runs like crazy*
by Anonymous11111111121 November 18, 2013
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