A combination of the word Fuck and Wicked. Why risk offending people around you by screaming "that was fucking wicked!!" while playing BlackOps, you can scream "that was FICKED" (pronounced: fick-ed, sounds like: fickehd)
I just got 20 kills and unleased the dogs on Blackops - that was FICKED!!!
by DigitalRanger December 21, 2010
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the new fealand way of saying f*ck. can i swear here? oh well. i say it coz alex (screw you too hippy!) wont let me say feck.
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polite way of saying fuck, if you dont wanna sound like sum commmon tart
"oh fick, i cant believe that"
"ficking hell, im gonna be late"
by sarah March 18, 2005
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one's mistake of an attemp to state the word fck(F-word). Some perpousely say this to make fun of one.
dude, fick you(laughs), i cant believe you would do something like that.
by enjoiskate78 March 16, 2007
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OMG a New Zealander... NZ rox!!!
A fick is saying fuk in NZ and ALSO a matchstick... Check in Ur dictionary...
by Sabian June 4, 2004
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every male version of a skeet bag (a skeet bag is a slut)
A.Lubin your the biggest fick!
by danielle and jaime December 14, 2005
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