The rapists of the star wars series, seriously fuck disney. Also the disney channel sucks.
Fuck you disney.
Guy 1: Hey you know that disney cancelled Star Wars 1313 AND Clone Wars!
Guy 2: wtf seriously?
Guy 1: They're also gutting the Expanded Universe.
Guy 2: omg fuck disney, and I bet Star Wars 7 is gonna suck a giant bag of dicks.
by dudemaster1001 May 18, 2014
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A once good buisness set up with good intentions but doomed to lame/failure the U.S. was reiling from 9/11

The runner up for mind control in the T.V./entertainment buisness.

Also an evil enterprise controling the youth generation and no-life teenagers. See High school musical conspiracy on youtube
-Motavational speaker
"Unless we act now,disney will own the world by 2013" *Holds up Machine gun* Who's with me?


Person 2-"What do you mean disney is the runner up for mind control?"

Person 1-"CN has subliminal messages in ALL its shows...specially in the "marvelous" adventures of flapjack
by jinxed_007 May 16, 2009
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A company that, back in the day, made some pretty good movies, but now has been reduced to working with Pixar to churn out mass-produced crap.
Oh great, another Disney movie parodying pop culture. Been there, done that.
by Squirel January 26, 2007
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Used to be one of the best (or the best) channels on TV, until it got to the late 20th century, when they came out with cheesy movies and TV shows that they thought kids would like.(First) They send some stalker to stalk some kids. Second) They watch the kids watching TV Third) Record and write down their every move.) Now, they've produced celebrities such as, Miley Cyrus, Lindsey Lohan, and Britney Spears. They have movies such as High School Musical, (gayest movie ever) Hannah Montana *THE MOVIE*, (OMG I WANNA SEE IT jkjkjk like I wanna see her pole dance again XD) and lastly, Minute Men. The inside jokes in Disney are horrible, and it includes: "Oh Sugar Honey Ice Tea!" -Madagascar, "Have fun, but not too much fun, we have enough kids already. :D" -Good Luck Charlie ", and "We used to do special things on our aniversary, but now we have the kids..."-Good luck Charlie. See how corrupt it's making children? "Mommy, did you and daddy have a little too much fun last night?" "Where did you learn that?" "Good Luck Charlie! *laughing*" Imagine that. The only good show on there is Phineas and Ferb. And it's a cartoon, and needs to stay that way.
Random Dude: Hey, I heard Disney is bankrupt!
Disney Nerd: Hehe! No! *snort* You dumb sniffle wiffer! Disney will never be corrupt! It's worldwide! Hehe! *snort*
Random Dude: What are you, Peter Pan?
Disney Nerd: Well sometimes I act like it! *snort* Hehe!
by HairBrushFromAfar August 28, 2010
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Every Movie made by Disney has at least one secret related to sexual content.
For example, on the box of Disneys: "The Little Mermaid", the one with the castle in the background, one of the towers on it is shaped like a penis. In "Lion King", when Simba and his dad wrestle under the stars, the stars acctually spell out something: Sex. Dont believe me? Check for yourself. I have also found one is "A goofy movie" and "Rescuers"
by SkankyJason March 17, 2007
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v. The act of economically influencing a sovereign government into passing oppressive and dehumanising laws intended only to benefit the interests of corporate enterprise. Derived from the historical fact that the last 6 revisions of copyright law immediately preceded the time when Mickey Mouse would otherwise have passed into the public domain.
I see the recording industry has disneyed anti-circumvention laws through Parliament last week.

Microsoft just pulled a disney on the anti-trust laws in our country.
by Mystikan November 14, 2005
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The company that, as of late, has done nothing but cash in on nostalgia with their crap tons of poorly and cheaply made live action remakes, as well as making everyone wish that Frozen was never made. What was once a delightful animation studio and the genius behind my personal childhood favourites such as The Little Mermaid, Finding Nemo, and Beauty and the Beast has become nothing more than a money-hungry factory of regurgitated stories and sequels that overshadow new, creative, and refreshing projects, sometimes to the point of them stealing just enough funding to have the fresh ideas canned. This, no doubt, is a poor business practice, but it is highly unlikely that the House of the Mouse will crash down to rubble, despite constantly producing lackluster films that see more and more hate every single day.
Disney continuously makes money off of their flaming nine-car pileups that they pass as films, and won't be letting this trend dissolve any time soon. I guess we'll just have to deal with Will Smith Genie, Demon Spawn Dumbo, and a whole new tsunami of toddlers in Elsa costumes until someone slaps Robert Iger (CEO) back down to reality.
by _Andromeda March 4, 2019
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