
Bad looking Asian girl.


Bad looking, Asian, and female at the same time.

A:Are there any cags sitting at that table?
B:No dude those are all blags.

The girl next to that cag is mega-blag.
by Sabakunoneji March 4, 2009
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To deceive or attempt to persuade by presenting to know, do or be something more or else than a person actually does or is. Sometimes unsuccessfully.

Verb, noun, adjective and pronoun (separately or all together).
Example A

Situation: Person 1 gives a series of advanced lectures about the laws of things that don't exist or aren't here and concludes by stating that too much hot air has been spoken on the topic by other persons.

Person 2: "they blag a bit don't they".
Person 3: "what a lot of blag".
Person 4: "and after sitting through those interminably blag deliverances, the blag tells us this".

Example B

Situation: a Professor announces to students that he will only be lecturing for half an hour of each scheduled lecture (being 60 minutes each in the schedule), every week for the duration of the semester because he doesn't feel like it.

Person 2: "who the blag does this blagger think he's blagging. I'm getting a fees refund".
Person 3: "blag it. blag. total blagging blag".
by Ivanothaone July 24, 2012
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To steal/rob off with something or somewhere
Bullet Tooth Tony: "Someone blagged bricktops bookies last night"
Random American Wanker: "Tony, for christs sake you invented the language, speak english"
Bullet Tooth Tony: "Blagged, means robbed innit"
from Snatch
by Taylor January 24, 2005
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Wasting time on the internet, i.e. surfing, checking email, facebook, etc.
John didn't socialize with anybody because he was too busy blagging on web forums.
by Matthew Creveling May 14, 2008
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One who attention whores their pictures on facebook groups.

Hoping to score lots of comments from the opposite sex. In the comment boxes below their picture. Helping them to increase their self esteem and hopefully lead to dirty dry humping cyber sex.

Lowest form of Facebook member.
Added January 29 - Comment -

Micky Tyan at 3:14am February 10
you are a very hot milf xx

Jess Torgerson at 4:07am February 10
milf or not.........just a fine lookin woman!

Ricky Foxwell at 11:59am February 10
Oh FFS you're a blag have some fucking decency.
by Rick Foxwell February 15, 2009
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