Most unappreciated member of the band. Often carries the riffs and glues the song together.

Note: people who switch from guitar to bass because they think it's easy or couldn't find a bassist for their band are NOT real bassists.
Wow, that bassist is killing it!
by bassguitar1407 December 20, 2017
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Prejudice against those who play the bass.

On the way to the gig, the bass player was lynched by a group of bassists.
by DollaBill Johnson November 24, 2006
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Let me tell you that a bassist is someone who learns their instrument, perfects technique, and CAN WOW people from time to time. ON A BASS

A lot of players todays are just that.... Players.

bass is the cop out string instrument

My definition is the least paid, least appreciated, most expendable, and least heard person in a band. Bands today don't really need a bassist due to guitar compressions and technology but choose to to make the rest of the band look better, plus its cheaper than buying fancy guitar effects and technology. Take it from someone who THOUGHT bass was cool and wasted 12+ years learning it just to have my recording levels lowered beyond belief and my songs taken credit for.
there are no reasons to name great bassists because there are none, and there is NO SUCH THING AS A LEAD BASS!
by Tevil March 4, 2007
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1. When your picking/strumming arm gets noticeably larger from playing bass, or you get cuts/blisters/dimples on your hands from playing.

2. When one feels ignored, or as if they don't get enough credit, as bassists are often overlooked despite being a huge part in a bands sound, just like a guitarist/drummer/keyboardist/vocalist/etc.
I got a bad case of bassist syndrome.... hug me?
by Nekoyawai June 3, 2010
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The blank, uncaring stare a bassist gives to a guitarist when the guitarist goes on about how he learned that if he holds a chord on lower frets, he can sound like Kirk Hammett, or anything like that.
Guitarist: "Dude, if i hold a D-chord but put my middle finger on the G-string and play them fast, it will sound like the intro to Master Of Puppets. Isn't that cool Jared?"

Bassist:(Gives Bassist stare)(Not paying attention. Thinking of girls in G-strings) Oh ya, Cameron. that's crazy
by Dave Grohl Bass February 20, 2010
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When you play the bass guitar so much that your strumming forearm actually gets bigger than the other. Sometimes confused with Muscular Forearm Syndrome. Sometimes cause by both.

I.E: "Dude, your arm is huge! You need to lay off that masturbating!"

"No man, I play bass, i have Bassist Arm..."

"Oh, that's what you call it... perv."

I.E: "Dude, your arm is huge! You need to lay off that masturbating!"

"No man, I play bass, i have Bassist Arm..."

"Oh, that's what you call it... perv."
by benashyton January 13, 2009
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Bassist's Finger is a condition among most finger picking bassists,that when blisters form and break on the Thumb, index finger , middle finger,and/or (sometimes) ring fingers of the strumming hand and create sores about the size of a water drop on the finger. Generally the blisters appear after a lot of slap/pluck technique or strumming in general for a allotted period of time.
Person 1. Dude! What happened to your finger?

Person 2. I got Bassist's Finger during my show last night.

Person 1. I bet it hurts like hell!
by YoTuBa February 13, 2010
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