Someone with neurodiversity as opposed to someone who is neurotypical. Not curable as it is not a diseases, virus, sickness or mental health issues. Not a result of trauma or poor upbringing as it is biological. There is a genetic aspect to it but a person can be autistic without having autistic relatives too. There is no specific way in which autistic people behave as autism just refers to a way in which the human brain can process information and function, personality is separate from that.
"I got diagnosed recently so now I know with certainty that I am autistic."

"This Instagram post, which is trying to be informative, is just pushing stereotypes about autism. Have they even asked looked at autistic support sites for actual facts about autism?"
by SleepyNotes March 3, 2021
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I don't know much about the technicals of autism. I do know some autistic kids personally. The ones I know usually socially isolate themselves to some extent. Some autistic kids are remarkably skilled in some area, and know a lot about things that someone would find very confusing.
My best friend's brother is autistic. He is socially awkward but he can name every country in the world and all the components of his computer with a description of their functions off the top of his head.
I knew another autistic kid who was amazingly awesome at street fighter for snes.
by yes.. NO!! May 22, 2005
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The cause of autism is unknown, but studies show that people with autism have larger brains than normal.
There are different kinds of autism. Low functioning, middle functioning and high functioning.

Some of the lower functioning people with autism have the intelligence of a baby, in which they can only scream, grab at your shirt, drool, and do other baby type stuff.

However, there are people that are autistic that are very smart, such as Bill Gates.

To people that generalize autistic kids as retarded, be quiet, because you're probably using Windows.
by Alexi March 17, 2004
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Formerly meaning a way to describe those with the developmental disorder autism characterized by a lack of social skills, extreme/low intelligence (depending on the severity), and other odd behaviours, it is now an insult/slang term used by trolls/failtrolls alike when they can't say anything better or think that it's cool to use a developmental disorder as an insult.
Normal YouTube Comment Section:

User: *commenting on a Minecraft vid*
Troll: What are you? Autistic??
User: No. ._.
Troll: Yes, autistic. lol

Oh look! It's a troll using autism as an insult! That hasn't been overdone by millions of other trolls in the last 2 years! *derp* (It is, but you should get the sarcasm implied here.)
by epic343 February 14, 2015
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its a disability, not an adjective used to describe something you find utter stupid. and no, your friend isn’t ‘acting autistic’ 💀
Guy 1: I’m autistic. Just got diagnosed.
Guy 2: That doesn’t change who you are. You’re still cool, Guy 1. :)
by jayquan. February 1, 2022
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If you're autistic, you are a certified cool guy.

- Yours truly, an autistic person.
Who invented the computer? An autistic person. Who discovered gravity? An autistic person. Who created the highest-grossing media franchise? An autistic person.

We are too powerful.
by BX56 June 19, 2022
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Although I'm autistic, I will be graduating from college next month, and I know alot about music.
by Karen Stickney May 13, 2006
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