The opposite of aspiration.

Not wanting to be like someone or something
This advert conveys a sense of Reverse - Aspiration
by shatya May 15, 2021
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To spew, blow chunks, barf, do the technicolor yawn, or simply vomit unexpectedly
"what's that smell?"
"dude, Mikey spontaneously aspirated in my backseat while we were coming home from the party last night. It took me four rolls of paper towel, two bottles of Nil-Odour, and three of those little green tree air freshers to make it even bearable in here"
by GinSeven February 4, 2010
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Aspire technologies is a corporation that is known for creating games, such as the popular 'power cor5e facility. The company was founded by AzureVirtual
player 1: want to play an aspire technologies game
player 2: sure
by SimplyVoided_RBX June 22, 2021
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