another word for smoking weed or other substances
by gitlover December 10, 2020
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Gamer slang that is used when, or usually someone gets rekt, or just to make the player feel upset.
P2: Dude, what the hell was that?! I didn't even see you!

P1: I absolutely destroyed you, git shroked nub!
by 420MLGNOSCOPER March 19, 2016
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The act of permanent termination of a relationship without any apparent reason or catalyst.

A stronger form of silence treatment in that the discontinuation of communication is permanent.
Eric walked past me without saying hi for no reason. He must've git pulled on me.

Anish thinks he got git-pulled, but apparently he got a heads up about the silence treatment. Because there was a heads up, he didn't get git pulled.
by amazon-l4-sdes December 22, 2017
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It’s like your ready to run head on to something and your turnt up
-You ready for the football game
by Yeeyeezucchini July 11, 2019
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a grumpy git
your a grumpy git
by Aqwseee June 6, 2023
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