When Kappa acts like a dumbfuck (he acts like one 24/7, meaning it is kappa moment when he talks)
by Tom the best mod September 30, 2022
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that feeling when you are hotter than chris hemsworth... that’s how it feels to be a Surayzsa
Wow jenny looks sexy today... she must be having a Surayzsa moment.
by Xtinalollll November 21, 2020
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person 1: I failed band class help
person 2: pew moment
by pewp4 November 18, 2020
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When you forget something that someone already told you or you didn’t listen and ask them about the topic they were previously talking about. Happens most when intoxicated.
John: hey, Al did you know Liv had sex with me last night.

Al: no, how was it

John: It was pretty good had her squirting all over the place. Good times.

Al: So how was the sex man.
John: I just fucking told you

Al: oh my bad, I had an Ed moment.
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When your new roommate offers to show you their dick on the first day
Dude, my roomie just pulled a magi moment...
by December 22, 2020
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It's a moment where you reach gons brain level of retardedness and say some dumb shit
Blxcknxss: "Yo bro did you know that 2+2 = 22
Zelk: "Bro what???? You stupid it's 4 not 22"
Blxcknxss: "Mb I had a gon moment there"
by Ketsu king lover 9000 August 28, 2021
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