Femboys or Fembois, are males typically from ages 13-20 or higher are males who still see themselves as males but show feminine in almost all of their actions, that includes dressing like a girl, to even talking like a girl.
That Femboy is really cute.
by 7843 January 17, 2023
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femboy is a bitch ass robo hoe who have no parent and swing sword all day like little girl
femboy is a bitch ass robo hoe who have no parent and swing sword all day like little girl
by doccuh August 21, 2022
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A word defining a male that acts like a female, usually in a sexual manner. Sometimes used online as a personality. Physical traits are stereotypically Thigh High Socks, Sweaters, and leg or arm warmers to give a “Submissive” approach.
“That guy is a femboy” - Description
“That guy acts like a femboy” - Trait
by ceilingfanenthusiast May 27, 2023
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girls always take your money, femboys will only give you sex :trollge:
Girls: Get me the new rolex for $50,000 before I divorce
Femboys: UwU can we have sex
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A male who acts feminine, due to their lack of a penis or a minuscule one
by Doge123987 June 19, 2021
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Wow, opanic, you're such a femboy!
by sourceax June 18, 2023
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A femboy is someone who fully identifies themselves as a male but dresses in a feminine way. Not to be confused with a transfer who identifies as a girl. No they don't have to be born a boy. They only requirement for this term is that they identify as a boy and dress feminine.
by W3ird0_fr0m_h3ll April 7, 2023
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