Stress inflation is the concept that as time progresses, stress and anxiety among the population get worse. Hence the demand for more mental health drugs and treatments.
"Is it getting better, or is the stress just leveling out, or am I spiraling."

"No, actually it's like inflation. Stress Inflation."
by CrayCrayGRL October 10, 2022
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One who stresses unessasarily.
Parental figure: Could you please stop curb stomping my baby
Gerry: Stop being such a stress cunt
by ioroboto December 28, 2016
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A form of tea that is drunk by Beatrice Middleton when she is stressed or tired. It's made of lavender and chamomile flowers, steeped in a pot of hot water. Used to treat stressful situations due to her recent coaching.
Beatrice: Hey you all. Do you want some stress tea? I just made a whole big pot full.

Opal: Sure, I've been really stressed. Ed's been nagging me all day long. Oh, the nerve of that man!

Liv: (crying and screaming) Oh, that Benjamin!! He's gonna get it when I get with done, oh my God!!

Beatrice: Liv, what in the world did he do?

Liv: He's hogging that Benmobile again! He's always on that thing.

Bryant: (with red fire coming out of his eyes, yelling) Shut up! This is just too much. Just drink the stress tea and be done with it!

Beatrice: (laughing at Bryant) Good one! Spoken like a true coach. (hands Bryant a stress tea) Here's to non-stressed grandmas everywhere!

Bryant: Skal! (Norwegian saying for 'cheers')

Liv: Thanks, maybe I should give this to Ben. He'll love it, too.
by Dusty's Baby Powder February 3, 2011
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this is when some ones humor causes an elephant so suddenly appear in the room.
although that doesn't mean it wasnt funny enough to blow some ones cover.
its the kind of funny that makes you not want to laugh because of how profound the cloud that just loomed over is. everyone's stressors are different.
dark humour is often comedicly stressful.
by Knawlyge February 10, 2017
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In engineering school: the back-breaking amount of homework assigned each night.
Engineering Student 1: "I can't handle this homework. I'm about to reach my yield strength."

Engineering Student 2: "That's only 10 hours of work...It's just Normal Stress."
by MechE February 9, 2012
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When two things are stressing you out at the same time.
Dan: "Bro u okay?"
Aaron: "Dude I got finals and I'm in a bad group, I got twofold stress, it sucks..."
Dan: "Twofold what?"
by gibustheinfamous May 19, 2020
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when u commit a crime but then the cop starts catching feels and lets you go
“She’s lucky that he let her off with a no stress arrest!”
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