
1.) An action that occurs when a keyboard Warrior is hit with information that contradicts every single one of their claims causing them to say some of the stupidest shit seen on social media.

2.) Something a keyboard Warrior does after you prove them wrong, usually resulting in them being highlighted in a future Rob Gavigan's "why would you put that on the internet?" video.
Okay "BelleDaphineisBae420XXX" you claim iguanas can fly after you feed them a solid amount of reefer.. but I just showed you a dozen videos proving otherwise.

No I'm not a mayonnaise drinking necrophiliac. You can stop Wounded Warrior Projecting now..
by LoFiNerdyGuy September 4, 2019
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I can't believe they didn't let me onto Jackass 4, I feel so wasted and wounded.
by king_D_ February 27, 2021
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Cuts you get on your fingers when working inside a computer.
Person 1: Dude, is that the fifth geek wound this week?

Person 2: Yeah, I tried to pull a drive bay cover off by sticking my index finger in the index-finger sized hole in it. Those stamped metal parts have razor sharp edges!
by broc119 April 25, 2010
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A woman who will not let a man enter with his penis. Therefore her only viable orifice is here vagina.
Man, Sally won't let me put it in her ass.. That cunt is such a Single Wound.
by Skidgod August 26, 2019
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A really beautiful man.

Wounded waco's have all the swag and get all the ladies. Are hardcore ballers and usually tall.
Who names their kid Wounded Waco?
by jsmith24 June 26, 2013
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