An alternative to the saying, “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t get him to drink”.

Since Chernobyl is a highly radioactive area...death is certain if you remain there for too long.
-Leading a Horse to water in Soviet Russia- Example Below for better use and help to understand old proverb...
American: “here we say you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t get him to drink”
Russian: “in Soviet Russia they used to say something like that too! Except it went... you can lead a horse to water, but you can also lead your horse to Chernobyl! And then you’re both fucked!”
American: “cold world huh”
Russian: “nope just Siberian Winter
-Leading a Horse to Water in Soviet Russia-
by Smoke and Fork Banger’s Club November 7, 2018
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Sitting side by side leaning together with equal intent, the lead initiates micro movements for the follow.
Kyle was micro leading me, listening to the music of the city...
by wydancer May 4, 2017
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Shooting yourself in the mouth, suicide, usually used in a sarcastic tone whenever one makes a mistake.
When the waitress said "Enjoy your meal', I said "Thanks you too." Looks like it's time for a nice lead dinner.
by Jeb Hankman April 25, 2018
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What you blame after you bust an extra watery nut.
'Damn, way too oily'
'A lead condom ruins everything'
by small nuts April 20, 2017
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Taking on a position of Lead/Manager/Supervisor within a team.
bAN: Wow, did you see what happened to Tim?
Mick: Isnt he the new Lead for the Beki Crew
bAN: Yeah....Hes The Goose Lead Bro!

Tim: some fkn work!
by KweebAN December 5, 2022
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Publishing and royalties that a model can earn. From a music video or commercial. For being the lead model or star of the video and commercial and not a costar. A model can earn up to 5 percent of the royalties made from the video.
That girl Gloss up is going to get paid royalties for life. Because she was getting lead model royalties in the Drake, Migos,Future,Lil Baby, NBA Youngboy,Kodak Black, and Rob run corleone video.
by Rob run corleone November 11, 2022
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When you/someone mixes up the subject and the object of a sentence.
Me: Is it possible to lead plate gold?
Roommate: Yes... but why the fuck would you want to do that?
Me: Because... *facepalm*
Roommate: Yet another brilliant lead-plated-gold moment, brought to you by lack of sleep!
by Dr. WubWub March 6, 2015
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