boosted but in a different and special way, popularized by the Thresh GOD himself, Bunny Fufuu
OMG, im so bun boosted
by King Of The Boosted March 21, 2018
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when you dab and catch a ball in ff and you boost really high
Guys I got a derek boost in derek2508's VIP
by NotYoyo6547 November 1, 2020
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To give positive affirmation to one’s self. A phrase of encouragement or pride of one’s action being made or done.
A: Wow! You did this by yourself?
B: Yea! It looks so good man. Boosting my own bottom!
by foreheadcrew October 7, 2022
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Taking retail items at no cost to me
Hey Charlie, want to go boosting?
by Booster23 January 6, 2021
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When I lived in Detroit in the early 90's, it was a term widely used to refer to professional shoplifters.
Craig was a hustler whose main source of income derived from boosting. One of the items he regularly boosted were as many 4-packs of alkaline batteries as he could fit in the outer and hidden inner pockets of his overcoat, usually off the shelves of K-Marts, large pharmacies or wherever they were on display in racks some distance from the cash registers. He had a fence who operated out of a liquor store on Michigan Ave. who would pay him 1/3 their retail price.
by vorivori November 25, 2017
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When a person/s instigates in the favour of initiating an argument

Term trademarked by Lock aka Hitler 2021
by 4K$THERIPPER December 16, 2021
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“Yo jimmy I’m boosting to yours”
*30 seconds flat later*
*knock knock* I’m at ur front doooor
by Jemjem27 May 16, 2022
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