When someone takes a shit, but shoves it right back when it exits the rectum. The log of shit will eventually melt in your hand, as to create a puddle of shit.
-Michael saw a japanese porn where they performed the Dirty Oil spill! He got sick after.
by DoubleDdoubleS June 7, 2017
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When a man farts, cums, and instantly falls dead asleep
“Ugh, John Oil Spilled on me last night and I couldn’t push him off! It smelled so bad… I think he may have shit himself!”
by 2ofDiamonds June 20, 2023
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Sirtag Spill is a person that flexes the wealth of a finished project without being able to use it due to one missing piece. They are also known to think they are smarter than everyone even though they are quite dumb. Can commonly be found in discord quietly waiting to pounce on a computer conversation or to just sit there and be quiet with his or her mic unmuted. Rare occurrences have happen were the Sirtag will sleep late at night forgetting he was eavesdropping. You can tell this has happened by the loud ogre like snores.
by Mr. _Steal_ ur_Girl November 19, 2020
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The coolest man ever. He is short and stout but really cool.
"Don't Spill is above every other!" I need to give $50 to Don't Spill!"
by Don't Spill April 25, 2022
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Hey Bill!! I know what your wife got you for your birthday

Dude!! Don’t spill in my lap
by Collamrach October 27, 2020
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The opposite of spilling tea. Telling about someone in a good light.
Did you see Ryan Trahan spill shrimp about how nice Haley Pham is?
by Sarris July 26, 2018
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