1. A fuckup so bad it would already be considered 404, but one step higher.
2. (technical) HTTP Status 405: Method Not Allowed, and its like asking the newspaper boy to make a weather buoy at a specific coordinate. He probably wont do it because, well, hes not meant to!
1. My brain just had an Error 405 at the exam today
by Preinstallable April 19, 2020
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this error is a type of error where pictures dont appear
the image will show error 212313618736127361 because the image cant be loaded or not allowed by the google mods because whenever u send a image a google bot or person will check it
by IndogsMustDIe September 15, 2021
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When your judgement of a person is distorted because you're having sex with them and view them from a different angle. Like parallax error - but with sex.
"She is a 10!"
"ehh.. sounds like parasex error to me"
by theejudge August 2, 2015
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From the minor to the global, a warning that something is not right.
She began to interpret the pandemic as a massive error message, a sign to humanity that it had lost its way, and would now be forced to re-order and reconsider.
by Monkey's Dad April 16, 2020
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Making an error in judgment while high.
Player 1 puts down a so-so Scrabble word, leaving the Triple Word Score wide open for Player 2, who then uses it to score an obscene amount of points.
Player 1: "Dammit! Stoner error."
by stonererror July 5, 2011
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"Clusterfuck error" is a term to use when a piece of technology is having serious errors or broken in some way
Harry: "Hey could you fix my laptop? it has some Clusterfuck errors"
IT guy: "I'm sorry, it has some what?"
by Ralseiboi September 28, 2020
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When Someone blunders there order of caps in a sentence like putting a caps at the start of a sentence but not on the name of a person
"Yo james"

"OMG can you believe she made a Clear Caps Error"

"Clearly you shouldn't have made a CCE and instead said "Yo James" "
by THORA HOLDEN December 22, 2022
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