Something thoughtful to do to someone or something generous
You are so kind! or What you did was kind.
by [insert your name over here] December 17, 2022
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a confidence builder for anybody has any horrible SEX DEVIATIONS in LIFE.


Hey you know something as this is a real shocker but the MANDALAY BAY INVESTIGATION uncoverd something just now REAL HORRIFYING of STEPHEN CRAIG PADDOCK has no relationship to anything happened in his family as he plainly experienced a DOMINANT PEDOPHILE ECLIPSE exactly when viewing his BUDDY'S R0BBIE "PETER" WILLIANA live CONCERT on AUGUST 1,2,3 AT KNEBWORTH ENGLAND 2003 ON YOUTUBE and at exactly 5:14;to 5:40 when what happened as STEPHEN CRAIG PADDICK PADDOCK I is thinking imagine having this 666FAG as that RED ASSH0LE as him kicking(10:05) SHITEATER BITCH as just as ALAN I WALDMAN = STEPHEN CRAIG PADDOCK and that 61 on OCTOBER FIRST, 2017 with that SHARK SH00TER EL0N (10:51 PM)as the equation shifted to STEPHEN CRAIG PADD0CK = ALAN I WALDMAN as he shot into what he knew on SQUIRT TORONTO is not his mouth BUTT HIS STARTING ASSH0LE (10;15 PM) and let me make a point feds you have it all wrong as you major FUCKED UP THE INVESTIGATION as STEPHEN CRAIG PADDICK PADD0CK PADDOCK LOVED LIFE as do you understand as in this next UPCOMING URBAN DICTIONARY DEFINITION will prove the point as no relationship except CRIMINALITY which the majority we all are as we do have SOME KIND OF BRAIN to prove it.

Hey we all got SOME KIND OF BRAIN but mostly we are N0B0DY and KN0WB0DY but when we open up we are KNOWBODY and NOBODY.

"what kind of assery" is what you say when you get fucking bonaventura in a 100k pack on fifa (I did)
- Dude, I just got fucking bonaventura again in my 100k pack
- What kind of assery
by ollycoly April 22, 2020
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When public or private help is unavailable to get the help one needs, or if one is unable to recognize one is not doing well, one takes suggestions from graduates of the school of human kindness.
Say, you look like you famished! Go to the Pizza Bar and and buy yourself some pizza!! The School of Human Kindness!!
by Hedbut December 12, 2017
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Someone who typically responds to mawkish and oversentimental posts on Facebook, usually involving kids and animals, in a manner akin to a self appointed moral police and dictates the tone of suitable responses and warns against any 'unkind comments'...
No mate, I'd say she's more of a kindness nazi than a white knight cos she's directing her comments to all of us rather than one person in particular
by SGT68 February 16, 2022
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A kind fart is an immense, hellacious, and earth-shattering fart that you hold in because there are other people in the car, vicinity, grocery line, etc. You KINDLY hold it in because you know the noxious ass gas that you so desperately need to let out will probably destroy every living thing near you.
Car passenger 1 to car passenger 2: Hey, are you ok? What's wrong?

Passenger 2: I'm holding back a kind fart..... It's really ripping up my insides right now.. I can't wait to get out of this car so I can let it out... *sighs*
by Downr@nge December 1, 2016
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