The act of installing quick build physical barriers between traffic and cyclists. Something made out of those concrete barriers found in parking spots and pylons.
Hey Jesse, my bikelane just got curb-plunked. I'm so excited!
by fmoon1998 March 30, 2023
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A sexual act in which the male places his penis in front of his partners mouth and flails them in the back of the head. Forces their mouth to forcefully ingest his penis into their mouth.
I think I might curb cock Tiffany tonight.
by Yessssshaaw April 5, 2020
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"As she was even reported saying: "bust them down the curb" - a common expression in the midwest"
-Solar Sans
Unveiling sensitive information which can be met with unwanted or unpredictable consequences
Clarice: "Phineas and Frank Groofenstein, I'm going to bust you down the curb when mother comes home!"
by Cubow June 2, 2022
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A curbed maven is a man that is quite muscular and gets a lot of girls. They are thought to be mad dogs and usual have a large p****, although most curbed mavens usually have one of these qualities missing.
girl: omg wow look at that curbed mavens
friend: oh that's Kaine, he has a small p**** though
by Ye ha lox August 31, 2015
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Treat a one night stand in the morning as if she were available to everyone else.
I can't remember the last girl I've hooked up with with gf potential. They've all been Curb Meat"
by Rainey4 May 6, 2017
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(Also see closely related "Rockasilly"). A person who dresses in the Greaser, Rockabilly, or 50's style but is not actively involved in hot rodding or motorcycling.
Rolled up jeans, lucky 13 apparel, wifebeater tank tops. Tattoos of: swallows, spark plugs, anchors, nautical stars. Slicked back, or pompadour hair style. May own a Gretsch guitar, smoke lucky strikes, and drink Pabst Blue Robbon beer. Where a hard "c" is required, curb rebels use a "k" instead, as in "kulture".

To be a CURB REBEL you have all or some of the obove, but you DO NOT have a legitimate hot rod or motorcycle.
by Mark Oberg February 19, 2011
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A female roadman. Tomboy. They're athletic, chill with mandem. Often seen wearing black Airforce 1, eyelash extensions. Enjoys vaping or smoking joints on electric scooters.
Guy: Have you seen Tayshaun's dating that new curb chick...Amber...she's James' dealer!
by Sausagero11 September 8, 2022
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