what's made when you combine Trix and Lucky Charms in a bowl of milk...

I prefer more Lucky Charms than Trix, just to make it more magically delicious and less for Kids...
I just had a bowl of Tricky Charms for breakfast.
by E.J./Edward February 5, 2009
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1) The result of deciding it's a good idea to eat Lucky Charms as drunk-food.

2) A Technicolor Yawn that's magically delicious.
Dude! You just drank 15 beers and now you're hungry and eating Lucky Charms? You're about to have an Upchucky Charms experience!

Did you see the rainbow in that Technicolor Yawn? Yeah, that was definitely an Upchucky Charms moment!
by UpChuckyCharms2 June 17, 2013
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When you really feel a strong need to bed someone but you don’t really know why.
Idk man she just really got the Sjaak charm
by D Blok April 12, 2019
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When your receiving a blow job and but in the back oh her throat with a full thrust so hard it comes out her nose. Then your nice enough to lick it ( clean it up for her)
That guy over there has always been know to give women the charming perkins, that's an awfully nice fellow.
by theamazingassmonkey May 10, 2017
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a fashionable, yet somewhat gay fashion accesorie for the sexually ambigous male. Most commonly seen on the wrist of pussy whipped men.
Nelson was so ashamed of his gentlemans charm bracelet, he hid it under a bandage and told everyone he tried offing himself.
by Jasonjakejohn February 10, 2011
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October 27. Marks the day the once upon a time episode “good form” (3x05) was aired, in which Killian Jones cures David Nolan of his deadly dreamshade poisoning and the two stop hating each other. Coined my tik toker @captaincharming_fp as the day many began to ship them, and the day they would’ve shared their first kiss in the “captaincharming_fp alternate universe”.
“Dude it’s October 27th! Let’s rewatchgood form’ in honour of captain charming day!”
by Ravioli tin July 31, 2022
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