When you cum in your partners mouth and she spits it in your mouth while making out then you swallow it to prove you love her.
John was forced to a sacrifical swallow cause his girl is nuts.
by Awesomeszt December 1, 2019
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The act of a girl putting one's testicles in their mouth then proceeding to to suck them down in to their throat for ultimate suction pleasure.
Dude, i think im in love!
Yeah, this girl can snake swallow!
by FratDaddy22 December 1, 2010
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A person who sucks on Asian penis due to their gag reflex being unable to handle any other race.
:Jeez Sandy has sucked off like 3 Asian guys this month!
:Dude, that’s cause she’s a samurai sword swallower.
by NutBuster97 January 18, 2018
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Somebody who studies all day, similar to a nerd but it arrives to a point that they “swallow books”.
yo cuz, that chick is a book swallower - watch out.
by scooge February 24, 2023
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When a guy shoots a huge load of cum into his significant other’s mouth and they chase it down with a shot of rum


A guy shoots a load into a fruity frozen drink and his significant other drinks it.
My girl gave me/had a Bahama Swallow last night. It was awesome.
by Surrealhero1979 March 23, 2021
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When your dipping and accidentally swallow your pinch
I think I swallowed a strand I might throw up
by cripple69 February 19, 2014
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When you eat a too-hot bite of food, and it's so hot you can feel it in your back.
"That soup gave me the hot swallow. I can feel it in my back."
by tvsock March 5, 2009
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