It's a joke used by adults, however it's mostly used by teenagers who don't know basic grammar and they're trying to make an insult.
- You are not disciplined, you don't know basic grammar and you have zero responsibility for anything.
- you're mom gay

Related: ur mom gay gay meme grammar
by uglyninja March 16, 2018
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It's a joke used by adults, however it's mostly used by teenagers who don't know basic grammar and they're trying to make an insult.
- You are not disciplined, you don't know basic grammar and you have zero responsibility for anything.
- you're mom gay

Related: ur mom gay gay meme grammar
by uglyninja March 16, 2018
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A legendary insult. If it was a pokemon card, people would give you 27346289764387$ for it. This amazing comeback is so amazing because it can be used in any situation. This comeback will kill your opponents sometimes because they want to die after hearing this extreme insult. So use it very carefully, and while you say it close your ears so you don't die as well.
You're moms face: A legendary insult. If it was a pokemon card, people would give you 27346289764387$ for it. This amazing comeback is so amazing because it can be used in any situation. This comeback will kill your opponents sometimes because they want to die after hearing this extreme insult. So use it very carefully, and while you say it close your ears so you don't die as well.
You: stop pushing me
Bully: you're useless and weak
You: well... well... uhhhh
Bully: don't have a comeback do you loser? Give me twenty dollars or else I'll beat you up.
You: no! I only have 25$ and I need to buy stuff at the store.
Bully: you're poor loser
You: uhhh... SO DOES YOUR MOM *while covering his ears for safety purposes of course*
Bully: * screaming, blood coming out of his ears*
You: *running away* haha loser
Bully: *dies*
by TrecherousTreche January 3, 2019
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Usually used as a "comeback" for those in middle school, but immature people tend to use this thinking they are funny
Donny: what are you doing today
Ronny: you're mom
by Z-moneyyyy February 5, 2023
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An insult that really is very cringe nowadays, and some people can't spell properly. It should be your mom, not you're mom. The person who is being insulted must be very confused when they see them being insulted with "you're mom".
you're mom is so fat, haha
by Facade15 April 28, 2022
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The better way of saying your mom.
Guy 1: you're mom ghay :sunglasses:
Guy 2: *roasted*
by BIGMUSCLEMAN123 November 22, 2020
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a legendary figure associated with an unknown man named Joe, you're mom is often a target of humerus insults.
You're mom is so fat, when she fell I didn't laugh, but the sidewalk cracked up.
You're mom is so stupid when they said it was chilly outside, she grabbed a bowl.
by {insert username here} April 13, 2022
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