Popular Singaporean slang, believed to have been derived from the words for "curly hair" from the Mandarin dialect Hokkien. Although its literal meaning is "curly hair", there are many other usages of this term, which are accepted and used by most people. Below are some common usages of the words "Chuan Xin"

"Chuan Xin" is used to refer to one who

- Sports a curly hairdo

- Squanders his time in the clubs dancing and drinking

- De-stresses by performing potentially deadly stunts, such as breakdance moves

- or by insulting people (usually foreigners or strangers) with flippant words

- Experiences frequent mood swings. Loving you one moment, hating you the next

- Thinks that he/she looks ugly, especially in terms of musculature, thus he splurges on protein shakes and gym memberships. Contrary to what they may think, many Chuan Xins are actually rather muscular and good looking

- Is a gangster wannabe. They memorize gang songs and chants to intimidate others, to mixed results.

All names used are made up.

- Joe: "Nice fro, Chuan Xin."

- Meg: "Dont be a Chuan Xin. The clubs are dangerous you know, full of muggers, dressed in brown jackets and blue caps. They are hardly noticeable, but when they take your bling bling its gonna be too late!"

- Peter: "Watch my tower freeze!"
Hans: "What, are you tryna be a Chuan Xin?"

- Dooms (to foreigner): "YOW BABY!"
Foreigner: "What a Chuan Xin you are!"

- Lee: "Why, Eugene, you're looking good today!"
Eugene: "Thanks for the compliment Lee."
Lee: "Imma kill you cheebye! Go and die."
Eugene: "Aw c'mon. Don't be a Chuan Xin."

- Jason: "I'm too skinny."
Kate: "You are just being a Chuan Xin."

- Mike: "Yeah! Yeah! Fury Hounds (gang)! We're unbeatable. Hey sucka, what you looking at, wanna get beat up?"
Tina: "OMG a gangster. Lets get the hell outta here."
Michelle: "No worries, its just a Chuan Xin."
by somnambulist_eleven June 21, 2006
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Top visual in the world.

Talented guy who excel in singing, dancing, modeling, rapping, composing and acting.
His pet phrase is "Stop."
With a heavenly look, he is deemed as the most handsome guy to date, when he is standing still and legs bent at an angle, he is no less different than a sculpture!
Xin shuai is too hot, Janat is salivating.
Look at xin shuai walk pass, he look just like an exo member!!!
by fanofXS May 19, 2014
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A fictional character from this hit novel Tian Guan Ci Fu written by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu. He is a god from the heaven realm, his title is “Nan Yang”.
person A: “bro i love Feng Xin from the hit novel tgcf

person B: “me too. i also want to suck his fat cock
person A: “real”
by morgann4481 December 6, 2022
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A real piece of shi- REDACTED *This message has been removed for violating the Chinese Communist Party’s ideologies and for the defamation of the general secretary.*
Person 1: Yo bro who is Xin Jingping?
Person 2: Oh, Xin Jinping? He’s a real piece of shi-REDACTED
by ObeyMakeWay October 18, 2021
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"wow do u see her she's kai xin"
"wow so pretty!"
by Justus teo March 2, 2018
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someone who’s really patience and deserve someone better ok bye
wow xin fang really deserves someone better
by bbyhmuk January 4, 2018
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The name of the kindest girl you will ever meet. Treasure her well. Show her the kindness she shows you. She doesn't ask for much. She may seem cold and unapproachable at first, slightly stubborn and narcissistic, but in reality deep down she wishes to be loved. Protect her, open her eyes and show her that there is beauty in what she already has.
by Tre fire seks June 22, 2022
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