Vida Guerra is the most beautiful, sexiest women in the entire world. I would f**k the s**t out of her if I had the chance. Vida I love you, me and the rest of mankind.
Vida Guerra is Arreug Adiv backwards
by Jimmy Neutron December 8, 2004
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The hottest thing to ever walk the face of the earth.
Also appeared in the "Pee On You" video with Dave Chapelle.
A: Damn thats shits hot! Who is that?
B: That would be Vida Guerra.
by Arpi March 18, 2005
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To have your sausage be overwhelmed by cubas definition of perfectly groomed country ham
I want to come home and have myself a Vida Guerra
by Splig Night September 8, 2004
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Drag queen character played by Patrick Swayze in the movie "Too Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar"
Vida Boheme: What in gay hell?

Vida Boheme: Internal combustion, the ultimate accessory.

Vida Boheme: Yes you will start off a mere boy in a dress, but by the time we are done with this crusade your Auntie Vida and your Auntie Noxee will give you the outrageous outlook and indomidable spirit that it will take to make you a full-fledge Drag Queen.
by twirledout January 10, 2009
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Vida Guerra's website that for multiple months has said it will launch in 45 days, but has yet to launch.
Vida's World will never launch.
by theruben September 1, 2004
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Vida Blue is a solo project of the keyboardest from Phish , Page McConnell. very talented band comprising of
Page McConnell (Phish) - Piano,keyboards
Otiel Burbridge(of the allman brothers band) - Drums
Russell Batiste (the Meters) - Bass
Most Events Aren't Planned

(also i dont like pokemon. my name is just a joke)
by pokemonfreak1231 May 26, 2005
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