To vomit uncontrollably. Similar in usage to "worshipping the porcelain god" or "tossing one's lunch".
That norovirus I contracted at the Tough Mudder race last weekend made me throw my crispy chicken wrap under the bus.

The morning after my 21st birthday, I threw AT LEAST 4 crispy chicken wraps under the bus.
by Biker chick July 4, 2013
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When someone gets someone else in trouble, basically snitching. A 16-year-old girl does it a lot to her assistant teacher, and sometimes, one of her friends is involved. This happens a lot at the Summit Upper School in Queens, NYC.
Kira: He did it!
Charlie: You just threw Eric under the bus!!!
Kira: He deserved it though. Serves him right for not dancing!

Throwing someone under the bus is sorta funny…
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