Home of the biggest collection of dirt bag douche bags on the internet. Members have beat up kids, engaged in sexual orgies, had alcohol related legal problems, enjoy strippers, gay porn, vacation in Elko Nevada, enjoy making crafts and knitting, raise goats, promote alternate lifestyles, members of BigBrothers. To join our chat sessions you must be naked. Shaved genitals is a plus.
The pit is an internet message board. Everyone who posts there is a douchebag. A naked douchebag.
by ThePitMaster July 30, 2006
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pits are short for "armpits" otherwise called underarms
Sara shaves her pits before wearing a sleeveless top.

Johnny has very hairy pits.

Chris said he was not ticklish, but 4of us ganged up on him and found he had uber-ticklish pits.
by greenheart August 26, 2007
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A term for a person/character that is considered extremely strong in their respective universe.
"You know Kenpachi Zaraki is a pit."
by BigFender October 4, 2008
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The lower section of the Eagan High School Stadium reserved for upper classmen. Because it's always packed, underclassmen only ever find room sitting on the edge, with the band kids, or in the adult sections.
Jeff: What's up Chris? You want to head down to The Pit?

Chris: The upperclassmen won't let me in there! I'm only a sophmore.
by Bluegreen Football Fan June 7, 2012
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Slam pitting, a style of dance to heavy metal where people will attack each other to music. Also know as moshing, mosh pit, circle pit.
I kicked his ass in the pit at SLAYER!
by Anonymous March 13, 2003
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The act of underarm sweat coming through a shirt.
Damn, it's hot in here, look how bad I'm pitting.
by Gankstuh February 9, 2007
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