When a bitch ass nigga bombs themselves while screaming OSAMA they are pussies and mainly Mahad's
by DICKLORD666 October 28, 2019
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A term that applies to any actions designed to create fear among civilians. Terrorists are known to practice terrorism, which takes many forms, such as suicide bombing, hijacking of aircraft, shock & awe, the Patriot Act, and "orange alert".
Anybody can be a TERRORIST. Those who beat up, threaten, and vandalize the houses of Arab-Americans and French-Americans, for instance, are TERRORISTS.
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Any citizen who blocks streets or attacks police officers while protesting, regardless of protest context.
Adam and Ashley were acting as terrorists when throwing bricks at riot police to try to incite terror in the officer's minds.
by LaughingManDisorder July 30, 2020
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A group of stupid people who do stupid things… (e,g very bad shit…-_-)
those terrorists over there killed my whole family..I have my RPG with me, let’s go get ‘em.
by theonebigassault_345 January 2, 2023
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News: terrorist attack leaves x people dead and y injured
Also News: in other, less important news, approx. $2.3 bil dollars worth of medicine to poor and/or war-torn countries
by TheInternetPolice August 27, 2018
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