When your dealer pre-crushes drugs for you.
"Seriously that new dealers shit is the best for going out to the bar with. It's always totally prêt-à-snorter, you can do lines so much more efficiently now! I almost gave up on drugs, thank god i didn't!"
by MurderSuicidePactByPinkySwear September 8, 2008
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Also called the "Triple S" Smartie Snorter Syndrome are side affects exspirenced after snorting a whole smartie. Side Effects include mainly: Dizziness and a itchy nose.
"dude I just snorted a whole pack of smarties. Im gonna be on the Triple S soon"

"Yea man im gonna have Smartie Snorter Syndrome"
by ZAGonZIG January 7, 2013
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A peson, or persons, that engages in the act of necrofeliaism while eating out little children and urinating on cats. normally all done at once and when they're done they cremate all the remains and snort them.
"Dude! I'm bored! you wanna go Bumble Snort?!"
"You're nasty you Bumble Snorter!"
by Brad Kensington May 21, 2010
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Someone who’s grandmother has been melted into ash and grandma ash is snorted
Person 1 : (Mean Words)

Person 2 : Shut Up You Granny Snorter

Person 1 : (Cries)
by GrannySnorter69 April 6, 2022
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When the tip of the penis is inserted in to the nostril of your significant other right before ejaculation, causing them to “snort” it.
Hey girl he was doing me last night, and he pulled a Colombian Tip Snorter”.
by Hairycuck69 February 23, 2023
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