The special "stuff" given away at KISM 92.9 radio station.
"Hey dude! KISM's giving away more schwag today!!
by Suna May 5, 2003
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awful, brown weed, that stupid kids smoke. It doesnt even get you high. Its basically crap+dirt
dude, that schwag is fucking lame. I'm not even high, man!
by toka June 6, 2004
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1. Shitty, cheap alcohol. Popov, Natural Light, Heritage, Potters, Busch, Keystone are a few examples.
Don't buy any schwag for the party tonight. Get some Grey Goose and Heineken.
by chadxmuffin June 13, 2011
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man i don't know what yall are talkin about but the schwag we get in Texas, 1 joint and your blowed off your ass man. i've never even seen brown weed and all i smoke is schwag and the shit i get smells sweet as hell and has a yellow tinge to it and its $10 for 5 grams..thats called a dime if you dumass's dont know
ay man i got sum good ass schwag mayne! smoke a blunt and you'll be fuckin gone!
by Ryan from houston October 27, 2007
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Marijuana in the dried plant form. Often contains stems and seeds. Often considered weaker weed, but is often just as good as nug
by pener April 4, 2005
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Don't give me no schwag.
by skate September 15, 2003
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