To beat, defeat, or humiliate a person so many times, they consider or commit suicide, usally in video games
Steve: Dude, I just pwnd you, Bob!

Bob: Man, I don't want to play anymore! I'm quitting!
by Quitter May 17, 2007
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Derived from the phrases Pure + Ownage, pwnd is having been brutally defeated usually in a complete landslide loss.
Man, You were just no scoped. Pwnd.
by Dendri November 1, 2006
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To be owned with a penis. To be penis owned.
Dud3 1 ju57 pwnd j00r m0m
by The C November 5, 2004
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Punk Will Never Die!!!
Punk Will Never Die!!!!
by shnog February 7, 2005
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most commonly used in the game counter-strike. ( which is a terorist / counter-terorist senario game). in this game there is a extreamly small map called "fy_pool_day". there are many unbelivable (sometimes lucky) plays that are made. since the counter-strike players love to put down others they will say " u got owned ". but in fy_pool_day there is little time to type, and the typo pwnd was thus originated. it was used more and more often and is now famous
"dude, tikimon u just got PWND by N_B=NAPOLEON Cin the face with pump-shotie biatch!!!"
by Kyle Nolen May 14, 2006
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a noob that gets his ass beat
0mFg dud3 i ju$t ttly pwnd erik's noob ass
by mikei October 31, 2006
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|>\/\/|\||) |\/|34|\|5 7() 937 ()\/\/|\|3|). |\/|4|2|< (4|\|7 7`||>3 |_337 |=()|2 5|-|17. pwnd
|\/|4|2|< 9()7 PwnD
by 7()|\/| January 3, 2004
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