Alternative definition for scammer.
Often used when dealing drugs.
Pete: Have you ever bought off Ann? I hear she sells good X.
Jack: Nah she's a Perth, I wouldn't trust her.
by PillPopperPete May 5, 2022
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An isolated Australian city, overpopulated by balding middle-aged business men. Its icon is the Bell Tower, which has yet to make as much money as it cost - simply because it is utterly useless and hideously boring.
The English clearly had the right idea by bringing convicts to Perth - it's agonisingly boring.
by heeeeelp June 23, 2011
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Getting poor value or having an experience that is of lower quality/standard than you would expect in a metropolitan city.
Taylah: How'd ya dinner go at tha Atrium mate?

Axel: Got Perthed brah. Food geddin worse ev'ry time I go. Imma beached as...
by sispec warrior November 3, 2013
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place. Semi-aquatic Australian city of almost mythological beauty. Tall spires arise from the surf's edge and mobile causeways transport tourists past the grist mills and anorak factories to wide white surf beaches calm enough for the kiddies.

Settled largely by Greek farmers rather than transported labourers, Perth became a magnet for muticulturism and sailing regattas as well as an oasis for the non-sporting types.

Iconic buildings such as the South Perth Magistrates Courthouse and the Wallaby enclosure at the Banamara Zoo dot the landscape and attract the bemused stares of visitors.

The America's Cup yacht race was once held near Perth but those heady days of glory are on hiatus just now.

After a long trek across the Western desert it's almost comforting to see the spires of Perth in the distance.

Too right mate. Pass me some kangale from the grubsack
by gnostic 1 December 23, 2012
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It has euro and Emess.
by radio_leopard2 April 13, 2009
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