From Pennington, an upper-class, English surname. Meaning delightful or splendid, particularly in a refined and sophisticated fashion. Often used as part of an exclamation of approval. Can be used to refer to oneself, in mood, appearance, etc.
"The performance at the theatre was simply penning!"
"Why, you're looking rather penning tonight!"
"I've never felt more penning in my life!"
by Darth Cabbage December 6, 2011
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1.writing utensil
2.chicken or animal enclosure
by Scratch DJ June 10, 2004
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The physical contact or loving moment of two people that you ship with all your heart.
Person 1: Did you see the intense pen moment between the boys just then?
Person 2: No omg I can't believe I missed it!
Person 3: PEN!
by lebrolin March 11, 2014
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Slang for a vaporizer, e-cigarette, or e-hookah.
Person 1: "Yo, you bring your pen today?"
Person 2: "Nah man."
Person 1: "Damn. I need a buzz."
by Rocketfizzle January 29, 2015
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straight up gangsta..
a reflection of many things that don't make sense..
by adhesives May 29, 2003
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