Commonly used by adolescent females in reference to, or as a nickname for the vagina. This term is more commonly used in the southern regions of the USA.
by Angelic_Sherry September 22, 2005
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the absolute bullshit that one fabricates in order to expand upon answers to questions that do not warrant large explanations.
after listening to ralphs five minute explanation about why XBox was a divine creation, I promptly slapped him in the face and told him to cut the fucking moo-moo.
by James B. October 3, 2005
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when a girl moans like a cow
that girl addy from vegas was quite a moo-moo last night.
by muwahahaha888 December 22, 2009
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A blonde haired pre-pubescent adolescent boy with a nasal voice and an attitude to match.
While tap dancing, Moo Moo held his crotch area whilst admitting his desires for a certain English teacher.
by AlegraPrepube February 4, 2009
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A girl who has a siamese twin.
Stehen Langden is a moo-moo
by sabian June 3, 2004
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noun; A mythical “man” or being who lurks in the dark in potentially dangerous places, seeking out vulnerable children. It’s used by parents as a way to frighten younger kids into avoiding these locations unsupervised, such as spooky forests.

Synonyms: The Boogey Man
“Stay out of the basement at night, you don’t want the Moo Moo Man to get you.”
by cowboyluigi38 September 25, 2020
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can be used as something innocent or something dirty in any sentence
1: The strawberry moo moo oink milk was very tasty
2: I bet she likes to ride his moo moo oink all around town
by darkestdarci August 12, 2023
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