John: I just lost £350 at poker
Sam : Struggles!
by Sambo-ov-e4d September 13, 2008
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Also referred to as; The Struggle Bus, I'm Strugglin, The Struggle is real, I'm Driving the Struggle Bus, etc.

Lack of having sex for extended periods of time.
Friend: How longs it been man?
Man: Too long. I'm drivin the struggle bus

Friend: Dude it's been too long, you're being a bitch.

Man: I'm strugglin
by DJBred November 12, 2013
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a profound state of buffoonery or oafishness characterized by pitiful performance or inability to complete menial tasks; When referring to an object, it indicates a laughable or rough appearance.
"Wow. Look at that guy. He looks like a dumptruck ran over his face. He struggles hard."
by Fine Ass Belle Squeeze April 5, 2004
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Being very drunk
"Did you see the pictures Carl added on facebook last night?"

"Oh my God...yeah, I am struggling so bad in those! I had like, 10 beers!"
by Matt038532 July 21, 2008
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The act of living in or being inside of the Columbia University dorm building Ruggles Hall (lovingly referred to as Struggles Hall for its lack of air conditioning, pre-war construction and general delapidation).
Those kids over in Ruggles are struggling.

I'm gonna be struggling tonight at the Ruggles party.
by S Diddy September 19, 2005
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walking a lot of batters when you are pitching
Kevin Miller was really struggling when he walked the first 3 batters of the game.
by rick ruggerio July 2, 2011
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The process of man asking shelby to go to prom with him

see: strugglin, struggs
After man decided to ask shelby to prom, I told him that was in the stuggles.
by DJ Struggs April 13, 2005
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