when a divorce settlement is adjusted from 50/50 based on infidelity. it doesn't matter whether it was the ex-wife that boned the trainer cuz he acted like he was interested in her boring stories, or whether it was the ex-husband getting off with the young hot bartender in the back cooler based on his generous tipping and free drink giving. what don't you understand here: in either case the cheater gets less than the cheatee. wtf, it's not that difficult a concept, get lost peasant.
guy1 - What's your prediction on how much cheaters discount Jen will give Steve?

girl1- Great question, Im thinkin like 70/30. If you think about it, yeah, she was in fact enjoying anal with her boss for a solid 3 years, but Steve did sort of deserve it, he was douchey quite a bit.

guy1: yeah that sounds about right.
by norwegianmissile January 21, 2010
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Veteran's Discount is a term often used in old, and nostalgic videos if you remember that video.
If you remember this video, you deserve a veteran's discount
by pwnda June 8, 2021
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A discount for people age 55 and above.
Thanks to your wisdom discount, you'll be receiving 10% off your purchase!
by Vince Skez March 5, 2020
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A dick discount is perk that comes with being a man. It is a societal privilege that benefits people whom society identifies as male. Dick discounts are given to men at an early age. For instance, boys are discouraged from doing housework in households that implement the dick discount program.
Jill told Doug, "Stick to the facts" in the meeting. She is becoming a real bitch. I cannot foresee her going anywhere at this company until she changes her attitude. In this example, Jill doesn't have a dick discount so she will not be qualified for a management role. She should bring treats for the group and smile more often so she doesn't seem like a bitch.
Larry told Doug, "Stick to the facts" in the meeting. He is really assertive. Larry will be a great boss with that quality. In this example, Larry works at a company that takes dick discounts. He will be in a management role in no time.
by person900 September 8, 2018
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What bubs rides in on to the delight of all his lady fans.
by Gar-howl July 16, 2003
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involuntary celibates, that may or may not live with their moms, that dont tip female servers. they dont tip because they are mad the female servers would not have sex with them
when you dont tip your female server because you live with your mom and you dont tip her and shes a way better woman than you whores. and also mom only gave you 15 dollars anyway then you qualified for the incel discount
by nious pun January 13, 2019
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