when your rectum is so swollen from a previous strike to the ass, that when you shit you become overwelmed with a gratuitous amount of stretch marks and hemroids around the anus, sfinctor and even but cheeks. In extreme cases of ass cracking excrement may begin to leak from your penis and or vagina dew to having a swollen shut butt hole.
Holy shit! i just got a massive ass cracker yesterday, and now i always have brown marks in the front of my pants!

Wow! That fag is laying on the floor like a bitch, must have got an asscracker from that guy with the big feet.
by BAWLFMAN09 December 11, 2009
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Your homie who is a cracker, but he's such a brotha you call him a nigga.
yo that cracker is such a brotha. He is a nigga-ass-cracker.
by Rez-a-wan August 9, 2011
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Any member of Law enforcement in the south.
Man fuck you Courtney you pussy ass cracker.
by Sgt Cracker February 1, 2008
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A white person who displays an enormous amount of racism towards a black person unintentionally. These people are usually found in country clubs, sheltered rich neighborhoods, and white trash trailer parks.
Rich White Person: "Thanks for (insert job, service, or common courtesy), here is a 100 dollar bill, or a 'benjamen' as your people call them, so you can pay your baby momma's child support."
Random Black Man: "The fuck is up with this Honky-Ass Cracker?!"
by ThaRealSkweezy March 4, 2012
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Prison term for a white man who can't stand up for hisself thus becomes someones bitch meaning he gets owned and gets fucked in his mouth and in his ass a lot... He can also be shared or used as payment for debts.
by RCurtis October 12, 2007
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