1) Something you can find in a box and eat for breakfast, but is not very healthy.
2) See: cereal killer
1) I will never buy cereals for you, they are bad for the health.
2) I kill you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you.
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The crap you put with ur 2% fat free milk every day and makes u fatter than Sultan also tastes like shit with all those multicolored crap pro-cancer shit tey put on
mmm... Cereal..... *Waits 24 hours* *craps green shit*
by Namina June 24, 2005
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The way people with no friends say the word "serious. "
Tim: wow! Did that really happen?
jim: ya... I'm cereal!!!
Tim: umm. .. you need to get some real friends
by jimmy boy85 December 8, 2009
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Not the food group. Rather, used in appropriate context, "cereal" is a term used to describe something so unbelievable, yet true.
John, 5'3", just dunked the basketball.

Jenny, " Are you super cereal?!"
by Mr. Loggins March 5, 2009
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1. Another name that stoners use when their around non-stoners and their trying to keep the fact that they smoke ganjah secret

2. When two stoners who dont believe in love but believe in the love of weed
1. Dude did you bring the cereal cause i could use the sugar rush

2. Lj I cereal you so much I cereal you to Erica
by purpleflowerchiq16 July 26, 2009
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when something is so serious it tranfers into breakfast.
person 1: 'oh my god, are you being cereal?'
person 2: 'i'm being deadly cornflakes.'

person 1: 'i'm pregnant'
person 2: 'cereal?'
person 1: 'full english breakfast'
by jedwardchicken September 15, 2011
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ear wax (esp. dry flaky ones).
ugg! Your ear is loaded with mad cereal!
by aircow March 24, 2005
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