Its saying "Terrific" but with a sexual meaning
Buddy: "Man, so how was your masterbation time?"
Guy: "It was just bonerific!"
by Jenaltals October 30, 2007
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When something is so unbearably good that you could almost blow a load just thinking about it, it can be considered BONERIFIC.
Synonmyms include, splendid, amazing, great, super, awesome, as well as many other positive emotions.
Man these fish sticks are just bonerific!

Today is such a bonerific day!
by CaptainBonerific August 30, 2010
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That Was Such A Bonerific Movie!
That's Some Bonerific Food.
You're So Bonerific!!!
by xx__X December 28, 2010
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adjective ;

1 - Used commonly when describing how something went .

2 - Used sometimes as a compliment for anything .

3 - Sometimes, just used for random shit .
e.g. 1 ) " I went to the mall today ! " " Oh, how was it ? " " Bonerific ! "

e.g. 2 ) " Like my picture ? " " It's bonerific . "

e.g. 3 ) " Hey, did you hear what happened to -- " " Bonerific . " " .. Wait, what ? " " .. Yeah, I don't know either . "
by ShelbyMuffin December 21, 2010
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A word used for emphasis in a sentence to show that something is very, very, very awesome.
Bonerific is much more powerful than words like cool and awesome and should only be used if you feel extremely strongly about something.
"Holy shit, that party last night was so bonerific!!!"
by Mega Bone July 2, 2009
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If a hot ass chick walks by and you get a rock hard erection, she is bonerific.
"See Lindsey over there?"
"Dat ass is bonerific."
by Swaggyfaggy November 12, 2013
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1. When you forgot about the word 'erotic'
2. The masculine version of the word 'erotic'
"Bruh that stuff on your computer was bonerific ."
"Don't you mean erotic?"
"Oh yeah forgot the word for it."
by DoggoBind December 20, 2020
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