Once considered an 'online diary', has now become a new trendy word created for use on the internet to try and make something old and established look new and interesting and to make those who use the word seem relevant. What used to be called a forum where topics of the same subject or area of interest were discussed via posts are now called blogs. Those participating in these online discussions are referred to as bloggers and the act of doing so is called blogging. Soon to be replaced by another trendy
A news talkshow host recently states, "In checking out the activity on the blogs, you can see that this election will draw more voters to the polls than any election in decades"
by wherewithal April 19, 2005
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noun: An online journal that can be private, for friends, or for the public. Many times, blogs are part of an online community and can be used to make new friends who share the same interests.

verb: The action of writing in an online journal.
My blog is so much better than writing in a regular journal because I can customize it to suit my personality better.
by Nistha July 20, 2005
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contrary to popular belief a blog is not a web log, nor does it have anything to do with the internet whatsoever. A blog is what lands in the toilet after a night of keystone beer and taco johns.
always remember to flush your blog.
by Plotbert February 2, 2008
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1. n. a web log

2. v. posting to a web log

3. n. an entry within a web log
1. I create a blog to keep a journal of my thoughts.

2. I have to go blog on my thoughts.

3. I wrote a blog about what happened at lunch today.
by Farley Barnhardt February 8, 2008
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small CMS (content management system) for the purpose of easily publishing thoughts, links and information. often used for diary websites and highly irritating to those who cannot read and write properly - but quite an experience for everybody else. if they want to.
take a look at the output at www.weblogs.com oder blogger.com
by Halo February 14, 2004
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n., a rare opportunity to broadcast ones views to the entire world while remaining virtually certain that nobody is listening.
Writing a blog is somewhat like keeping a handwritten diary. It’s just that with diaries, the even the most hopeful author does not daydream or imagine that millions of people are anxiously reading his every word.*

*Except in of course in cases of extreme paranoia.
by Adamc387 November 12, 2006
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just another way for people to hear themselves talk endlessly about crap
i have nothing to do and no one to talk to, I think I'll start a blog
by bethee August 16, 2005
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