A wall street bet is when you leverage an asset to its maximum, and so risk losing everything on a very small move against you, but thereby gain the possibility of massive returns should you get your way.
Q: "Did Sam really tell his wife he would leave her unless she arranged a threesome for them on craigslist?"
A: "Yeah, it was a Wall Street Bet, but it paid off ! She was into it, and now he has sex parties every weekend with his hotwife and the local nymphs. And they've never been happier together!"
by some.hoser November 20, 2015
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A gay ass group run and founded by a wanna be gangster stripper who has no musical talent and has also been on change of heart has a tounge ring and a butterfly tatto and he also thinks cuz he is from compton that makes him a gangster but all he was doin there was stripin.The Gayme is the fakest rapper/wanksta there is out there he also was a stripper and have u noticed since G-Unit he hasnt made any new music he will just change the words to G-Unit songs and if he didnt like them so much why'd the nigga sign to G-Unit man the gayme is so fuckin retarted and now he has some wack wall street shit
Wack Wall Street is the fakest shit out there!
by G-UNITSOLDIER25436 July 27, 2006
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When the person at the counter hands back a credit card in between the two receipts.
All you have to do to make a Wall Street sandwich is take the sale receipt from the register, put the credit card on top of it and put the credit receipt on top of the card.

I'll bet Martha Stewart can't make a Wall Street sandwich.
by Sgt. Salt February 9, 2011
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1. a person who works in financial center of New York City known as Wall Street.
2. a 2006 TV series that followed the lives of 10 Wall Street Warriors and their hectic lives.
He's a student at Wharton. He'll definitely be a Wall Street Warrior.
by J. Su August 9, 2007
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Black Wall Street is The Game's new record label. It will be part of the Interscope/Aftamath/Shady/G-Unit empire and will specialize in new age west coast gangsta rap.
Yo, Game gonna hook his homies from the corner of Wilmington and Brazil in West side Compton with contracts on Black Wall Street.
by A guy February 25, 2005
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The Occupy Wall Street movement's premise is that only the people can take back control of the democracy and reinstitute social justice and equality. The movement is in response to the mean spirited and greedy plutocrats who not only control the outcome of the elections but the votes in Congress, Court decissions, and the actions of the President. Occupy Wall Street Movement is based in part on the Arab Spring in which the people took to the streets and seized control of the countries that were ruled by dictators. While it started on Wall Street it has spread rapidly to Main Streets throughout the USA.

The Occupy Wall Street movement wants to make sure Wall Street shakers and fakers are held accountable for the illegal activities that contributed to the Great Recession. They want to change the incentive systems in capitalism to favor society as a whole, instead of the greed and contempt of a few.
It is amazing in the day of high speed communications that it takes three weeks for the Occupy Wall Street movement to get from the social media and street to the corporate media. Even more amazing is how the movements clear message of social and equal justice can be distorted by the corporate media.
by mlhiss October 6, 2011
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"Occupy Wall Street" is a world wide spreading series of demonstrations which started on 17th September 2011 at the Zucc... at the Liberty Plaza Park in New York City.

Since the participants of the demonstrations are protesting against the blatant injustice of the current political and economical system, against corporate greed and lobbyism, they are the perfect object of hate for a lot of right wing apologists who

-in case they aren't wealthy- believe that poor blacks, poor agnostics or poor homosexuals (or their "lobbies") are to blame for the poorness of white and heterosexual christians, or

-in case they are wealthy- believe that the millions of Americans who can hardly afford living are just too lazy or not biblical enough,

-in case they are fucking rich- are scared of the idea that the day may come when they can't safe their asses with playing off one part of the poor against other parts of the poor anymore.
Bankster 1: Hooray, it's the Weekend! Now let's cut up some foxes to decorate the living room! = )


Bankster 1: Aaaaaah! = ( Well ... Yeah? Stephen?

Bankster 2: Hey, Ronald, have..

Bankster 1: Hey, how ar...

Bankster 2: ...you watched the news!?

Bankster 1: No, I was...

Bankster 2: There is a demonstration in NYC, and...

Bankster 1: Oooooh, I see! But don't be concerned. After the weekend I will visit some of those Teabaggers and talk about them evil faggots and the godless, liberal elite, about nazi-niggers in the gub'mint taking their jeeerbs ... then I will go to CNN and apologize and then to FOX moaning about political correctness. That's no biggie.

Bankster 2: Ronald, it's not the Tea Party.

Bankster 1: It's not?

Bankster 2: No. It's "Occupy Wall Street".

Bankster 1: Occupy Wall Street?

Bankster 2: Yeah. Occupy Wall Street...

Bankster 1: Ouh, fuck. That could get dangerous.

Bankster 2: That's why I called you.

Bankster 1: Okay, then. Call our guys in Washington. And call Michael! He shall go to FOX. Strategy: Protesters are drug-addicted stalinists and lazy pedophile hippies who hate America and freedom or something like that. Well. And I guess our next party donation has to be a bit bigger.

Bankster 2: Let's just hope that this will work!

Bankster 1: Hm ... it has worked out so far. Let's see if we can also win this time or if those dorks are gradually waking up.
by CoffeeCat October 10, 2011
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