For the love of God, don't move here if you are black, mexican, asian, Christian, Catholic, don't like Disney Channel, hate pop music, or anything else... You will be ridiculed as fuck.
Utahn: So, what kind of music do you like? I enjoy Taylor Swift...

Me: Huh, really? I like The Beatles, And System of A Down, you gotta hear those guys, they kick ass...

Utahn: Ohhh, you said "Ass", and I hate the Beatles, and I don't know what system of a down is! But it sounds like a bad thing! Go away terrible person! You are not worthy!

Me: Fuckin' hypocrites...
by Kobuscus April 5, 2011
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1. a State in the USA.
2. Acronym; "Up The Ass Hard". See bufu.
3. Used as an expression if someone is about to get beat up or shot.
1. Mormons live in Utah.
2. Tom, Dick and Harry, all like it UTAH.
3. "Oh that's it, he'll pay for that. I'm gonna give it to him UTAH!"
by eBrian December 15, 2002
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A cool state that only caught a bad reputation because mormons (a religion of brainwashed people), have claimed it as their state. A totally unfair decision.
Utah is a Kool State Because:

Home to John Stockon.

Awesome snowboarding

And fry sauce!
by y cant i use my name!!! January 15, 2007
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A horrible state where you will find many selfish colt members aka Mormons
by Mkkshr March 8, 2019
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A great place to get away from most of the filth that Californians celebrate.
Utah: a pretty great state!
by Dasnasdi June 16, 2004
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one of the 50 states in what is known as the United States. Utah is seemingly made famous for its excess of mormons, virgins, meth, and republicans. Also for its lack of alcohol, amusement, prostitutes, and anything worth ever participating in. Studies show that those who grow up in utah are ten times more likely to punch a small child with malice as an adult.
oh fuck, are we in utah? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
by sexy mcsexertonfieldville September 19, 2010
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