Very sexy girl with a nice booty. Very nice skin color. She has a very smart mouth but she is very smart. She is good at softball. She usually goes for black boys typically named Alex. Get you a girl like Tiana.
damn I wish my mom named me tiana
by Fortnitegoddd June 6, 2018
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Tiana has a big ass and a fat dog
by your moms plug September 10, 2019
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Tiana is sexy asf💞
by Reeen:) October 1, 2020
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Tiana is a very nice,confident person who strives to meet all of her goals in life.Tiana features are most likely big lips,thick eyebrows,big booty,and big ole titties.Tiana can make any guy want her with just a stare she is a very out-going person who loves to have fun.Tiana is not afriad of anyone and will step up to anyone,she is very sexy and great in bed she will give you the best head ever,tiana also has that W.A.P (wet ass pussy).Tiana is a very private person and would not tell anyone her buisness , unless youre really close to her .Tiana is very friendly but not to friendly!Tiana is very boy-crazy and falls inlove quickly,Tiana loves to listen to "trap music" her favorite hobbies to do is dance,basketball,and being on her phone.If you ever have a Tiana never let her go because you will regret it.
A Random Guy : omggg is that a tiana she if pretty I wish i could have her.
by jnsjnjsnjcnudbhcnwjsn August 21, 2020
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Tiana is thicccccccccc and she’s good at soccer
Did you see Tiana today she was lookin thiccccccccc

Yea and she was kissing kyson
by Tianas boyfriend December 10, 2018
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A stealing, untrustworthy, moany red headed arse sucking peice of anal sphincter. Should be put down, seriously, if i was her i'd want to die. Do not trust it, her hair might make you go blind too!
Billy; "wow, she stole all your condoms??"

John; "yeah, now i cant get any, it sucks anal sphincter"

Billy; "man thats so strange cause all of mine are gone too!!"

John; "Puck, thats so Tiana"

Billy; "All my credits gone too, what a tiana head!!"
by May 8, 2009
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Sexy ass mf She goes addey and Stanhope and is actually a nice girl to chill with . Be her bestie close fren or anything she classes you as not disrespect her tho cause she’ll tell you to sym x
Tiana: my snap is xo.misstiana
Tiana: my insta is tianaaaaa.x
by Namecom March 18, 2020
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