the best ruler cuba ever had. all you right wing idiots dont see it but he is. cuban exiles here in the US are corrupt and ignorant, castro is a man among men
by sloppymeat March 10, 2005
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1. A fine cigar of excellent calibur.
2. Me when i'm drunk.
pass me a fidel castro my good man
by fidel August 14, 2003
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the guy i claim to love at the top of my lungs everytime one of these gwalla gwallas tries to get fly with me here in miami, may he live forever just to piss off the trash he dumped on miami
"long live fidel castro"(most cubans will hear that and turn more colors than a bag of skittles,the older ones may go into cardiac arrest)
by castrosbestfriend August 11, 2008
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The world's best wrestler! He defeated Batista, fought off hundreds of one-on-one challengers (assassinations) and has ruled the American league for 40 years!

Plus he's a brutal dick-tator-(35,000 girls so far!) and should have been shot long before he got ill. Free Cuba (with every purchase of a Cuba of equal or greater value)!
Fidel Castro- ironically, his name means 'I castrate' in Spanish!
by Liakias April 4, 2009
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Justin Trudeau. The worst absolute person you could ever want to be with or running a country like Canada!
Looks like Fidel Castro Jr. is attempting to freeze people's money in the bank for political reasons!! What a commie!!
by Wise White Man February 18, 2022
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1. An Overly hairy vagina with large, brownish, floppy labia.
(Think Arby's Roast Beef) Refers to Cuban leader, Fidel Castro, who has thick, coarse beard. Like most beards, could be mistaken for pubic hair.

2. Fidel Castro, leader of Cuba, feasting on a sandwich of roast beef.
1. "Damn, that girl last night had a crazy pussy. It looked like fidel castro eating a roast beef sandwich."

2. "I saw that Fidel Castro at Arby's eating roast beef. What a cool guy."
by smitty984 March 5, 2007
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Another man who people forget was a homophobic racist.
Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, or simply known, Fidel Castro was a homophobic racist who made it illegal to speak out about racism and imprisoned gays.
by Comrade Running Bear August 7, 2018
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