Fear - a waste of your time caused by lack of familiarity with the experience.
If I'll walk up to this girl and ask her number, she will spit into my face.
by Ivan Staroverskyy December 27, 2005
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A feeling of agitation and dread usually caused by the presence or imminence of danger.
Joe thought her heard footsteps coming up the stairs in his house.
by Dyne September 9, 2004
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An indirect and subtly underhanded technique of manipulation of folks about something or someone without them realizing it’s going on.
The trumpmachine has systematically employed “fearing” to sow seeds of white supremacy via its stance on building a wall to keep “illegals” out of the United States.
by Dr Bunnygirl June 10, 2020
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Son: Mum (who's 93), would you have a pig's valve put in your heart?
Mum: No fear!
by pseldomymous June 25, 2010
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What usually keeps us from doing really, really stupid things (like jumping into a pool of pirahnas for example).

Some people think fear is a bad thing.

Some fears are stupid.
The only thing to fear is fear itself.
Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate... leads to suffering.
My brother fears moths.
by Cortana Dragoon July 3, 2005
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paranoia/ panic caused by marijuana use
origin: William S Burroughs, LETTER FROM A MASTER ADDICT ON DANGEROUS DRUGS: "Cannabis Indica (hashish, marijuana). --The effects of this drug have been frequently and luridly described: disturbance of space-time perception, acute sensitivity to impressions, and flight of ideas, laughing jags, silliness. Marijuana is a sensitizer, and the results are not always pleasant. It makes a bad situation worse. Depression becomes despair, anxiety panic. I have already mentioned my horrible experience with marijuana during acute morphine withdrawal. I once gave marijuana to a guest who was mildly anxious about something ("On bum kicks" as he put it). After smoking half a cigarette he suddenly leapt to his feet screaming, "I got the fear!" and rushed out of the house."
by stendhalismo March 17, 2005
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